Thursday, September 16, 2021

Leitfaden zum Schreiben von Lebensläufen für Hochschulabsolventen


Sie haben das College abgeschlossen und Ihr Diplom erhalten. Jetzt müssen Sie einen großartigen Lebenslauf erstellen und an Arbeitgeber senden, um Ihren ersten Job zu finden. Dieser Artikel wird Sie beim Schreiben Ihres ersten Lebenslaufs unterstützen.

Viele Studienanfänger können nicht vorhersagen, worauf sie bei der Erstellung ihres Lebenslaufs ausreichend Wert legen sollen und was nicht. Dies kann zu einer negativen Reaktion auf Bewerbungen führen. Einige Kandidaten verwenden beispielsweise die Hälfte ihres Lebenslaufs, um anzugeben, dass sie eine sehr gute Schule mit einer guten Note abgeschlossen haben. Einige Kandidaten, die glauben, dass ihnen ihre Praktika einen Vorteil verschaffen, geben diesem Aspekt in ihrem Lebenslauf Gewicht. Natürlich ist es notwendig, sich auf Funktionen zu konzentrieren, die Vorteile bieten, aber es ist sehr wichtig, dabei ein Gleichgewicht zu finden.

Für den Personaler ist es im Allgemeinen schwierig, alle Merkmale eines Lebenslaufs vollständig zu erfassen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, einen Lebenslauf zu haben, der auf einen Blick zeigt, dass Sie ein bemerkenswerter Kandidat sind. Aus diesem Grund sollten Sie sich, Ihre Ausbildung und Erfahrung nach Möglichkeit auf der ersten Seite auf die andere Seite übertragen können.

Was sollten Sie einbeziehen?

Natürlich sollte Ihr Bildungshintergrund in Ihrem Lebenslauf enthalten sein. Wenn Sie einen guten Schulabschluss haben und sich in Ihrem Abschluss sicher sind, sollten Sie sie aufmerksamkeitsstark aufschreiben. Wenn Sie bereits während der Schulzeit ein Praktikum absolviert haben oder in dem Bereich gearbeitet haben, für den Sie sich beworben haben, müssen Sie diesen unmittelbar nach Ihrer Ausbildungsinformation einreichen. Viele Kandidaten neigen auch dazu, Berufserfahrung ohne Bezug einzubeziehen; Es hilft jedoch möglicherweise nicht viel, wenn Sie die Arbeiten hinzufügen, die Sie während Ihres Studiums erstellt haben und die nicht direkt mit der Veröffentlichung zu tun haben. Sie sollten sich stark darauf konzentrieren, über relevante Erfahrungen zu sprechen.

Wie sollte ein Lebenslauf verfasst sein?

Die wichtigsten Aspekte Ihres Lebenslaufs sollten auf der ersten Seite stehen. Auf der ersten Seite müssen Sie den Personalvermittler überzeugen, den Rest des Lebenslaufs zu lesen. Natürlich gibt es bestimmte Vorlagen, aber vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie die Vorlagen an Ihre eigenen anpassen müssen. Die Funktionen, die Sie für wichtig halten, sind die Informationen, die Sie zuerst angeben sollten.

Sortieren nach Lebenslauf

Wenn Sie Ihren Lebenslauf für eine technische Position schreiben, können Sie eine Sequenz ähnlich der folgenden verwenden:

Persönliche Informationen


technische Fähigkeiten


Andere Fähigkeiten



Wenn Sie in einer nicht technischen Branche tätig sind, können Sie nach folgenden Kriterien sortieren:

  • Persönliche Informationen
  • Ausbildung
  • Einschlägige Berufserfahrungen
  • Andere Berufserfahrungen
  • Fähigkeiten
  • Interessengebiete
  • Verweise
  • Ideale Lebenslauflänge

Wenn Ihr Lebenslauf zu kurz ist, können Sie unerfahren erscheinen. Wenn es zu lang ist, kann es den Leser ablenken. Deshalb ist ein zweiseitiger Lebenslauf ideal.

verstecke nichts

Auf lange Sicht ist es für Sie normalerweise nicht möglich, Ihrer Graduiertenschule, Ihren Noten, Ihrer Unerfahrenheit oder irgendetwas anderem an sich selbst zu entkommen, von dem Sie glauben, dass Sie es nicht in Ihren Lebenslauf aufnehmen können. Deshalb ist es wichtig, offen und ehrlich zu sein. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie niemals falsche oder ungenaue Informationen geben. Obwohl die Geschäftswelt riesig erscheinen mag, kennen sich so viele Menschen. Du willst niemandem einen so schlechten Eindruck von dir machen.

Ausgehend von diesen grundlegenden Informationen können Sie sich bei der Erstellung Ihres Lebenslaufs von anderen Bewerbern abheben. Wie möchten Sie jetzt agieren?

Lebenslaufvorbereitung, Jobsuche, Jobsuche, Tipps, Bewerbung, Lebenslauf, Lebenslaufvorbereitung, Praktikant, Absolvent

How to prepare a more visible CV with little experience?


One of the most difficult things for candidates who are just at the beginning of their career or who want to start a career in a new field is to make their resumes more visible. There are some tricks to making a resume strong.

Whether you have little work experience or are pursuing a career in a new field, many candidates think that due to lack of experience, their CV will be lost among other CVs and will not stand out. So, what should candidates who experience such a situation do? Monster's Career Specialist Vicki Salemi offers the following advice to candidates experiencing this type of problem:

Strengthen your resume with areas of focus

If you don't have much work experience and you're just starting out, build your resume on top of your educational background. You can strengthen your resume by including the areas you focus on and sanction during your education. Vicki Salemi shows the candidates' volunteering experiences, achievements, awards and overseas programs she has attended as an example.

Focus on functional resume

Vicki Salemi says those with little work experience can focus on a functional resume. Accordingly, instead of listing your work experience in chronological order, you can prepare a functional resume by focusing on skill sets. Functional resumes highlight your strengths, skills and abilities. You should summarize your work history, but this is usually at the bottom of your resume.

If you are starting a new field

Vicki Salemi says those with limited experience in a new field should look up job descriptions for the roles they're pursuing in the postings and learn about what skills and experience are most desirable. Accordingly, candidates can place the features sought in the advertisements they follow at the top of their resumes.

Show your transferable skills

Vicki Salemi advises candidates to finally find out if they have transferable talents. “If you're marketing on a $1 million budget, your skills for managing your budget are evident no matter what your industry is. This is what you should emphasize here. So focus on the skills and experience you already have to show employers,” she says.

How can You use Numbers to Make your CV more Effective?


How can You use Numbers to Make your CV more 

Human Resources professionals can sometimes look at hundreds of resumes for a single position. In the highly competitive recruitment process, some candidates aim to both make a difference and stand out by using numbers and data in their CVs.

Some methods used in preparing a CV allow candidates to easily stand out from their competitors and be noticed. One of them is the method of making the resume more effective with numbers that have been increasingly used recently. You can reinforce your achievements, experiences and competencies by using numbers and make your resume stand out.

Why should you add data?

Showing the numeric value of everything you do on your resume not only helps you attract the attention of Human Resources professionals more, but also embodies your experience and skills. Accurate data makes your experience more important and helps the HR professional understand that you are a serious candidate. For example, you work in a PR agency and you state that you are writing a press release in the section with your experiences. It is more impressive to say "I wrote 10 press releases a week" instead of just saying "I'm writing a press release".

How will you find the numbers?

No matter what industry you are in or what level you work at in your career, it is possible to enrich your resume with numbers. If you work in sales or finance, you can access obvious metrics such as sales volume, market share and profitability, and show your contribution to the organization in numbers. If you don't know the exact number, you can give a range. For example, you could use a phrase like “I managed a budget that exceeds $500,000”.

Which numbers should you use?

The easiest way to find ways to digitize your achievements is to look at how your company directly impacts money, time and people. For money, look at how you cut costs or increase profits and quantify everything you can. Likewise, you can indicate what kind of time or cost savings you have made or how you have increased productivity. For example, you can state that you have reduced your purchasing costs by 15 percent as a result of the work you have done.

You can highlight the areas you want to highlight in your CV with numbers, according to your field of study and experience. However, do not forget to pay attention to the integrity of the text and update your numbers while doing this.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Blank CV Sample

Although resumes are an integral part of job search and recruitment processes, your chances of being accepted to your dream job with a common resume are not very high. The resume, which is the first step to find a job, facilitates the job search process and achieving the target when written according to certain criteria. In job applications, how you prepare your CV and how you present it are almost at the top of the issues that are considered important by employers and HR professionals. Experts who want to encounter satisfactory information in terms of content even pay attention to the font in the different CVs they encounter.


You should see your resume as a tool for your advertisement rather than a list of your achievements. The content of your CV consists of summaries of subjects such as your name and surname, contact information, education, work experience, references. Before applying for any job, it is imperative that you present a correctly prepared CV to introduce yourself. Your CV should be accurate, understandable, clear and short to attract attention. It is also very critical to write your opinions about the job and your experiences in that sector on the CV.

It is also important to focus on the use of correct expressions in the education, experience and skills section and using a good grammar while writing a resume. In this way, it is easier for Human Resources experts to reach the appropriate one for the position out of the thousands of resumes that fall into the pool. Considering that each CV is examined for an average of one minute, it is certain that the resumes written in a neat, proper Turkish or English and stand out with their suitability for the position will surely stand out. In addition to a long and detailed resume, it is necessary to prepare a short CV, especially in some small businesses and in cases where job applications are made to the company in person.


Your resume should have a maximum of 2 pages. (Academic CV may be longer.) Avoid adding unnecessary information. Avoid long paragraphs. You should write in the first or third person singular. Usually you should use easy-to-read characters such as "Times New Roman" or "Arial", you should write in 11 or 12 pt. You should not underline words and sentences. . (Except for internet addresses) You should pay attention to the spelling rules. You should prepare a cover letter suitable for the position you are applying for. If you are making a general application, you should indicate in your cover letter which field you want to work in. You should add photos taken in suits. Facebook is beautiful in place of the photo. You should not add photos that are silent, blurry and have a mixed background. Take care of your e-mail address, you should use a serious e-mail address consisting of a name and surname, which is easy to encode on the phone.


Career goal

You should write a very short paragraph in which you can describe your characteristics suitable for the position you are applying for, introduce yourself and state your application purpose.


Personal Information

You must write your name, full address, telephone numbers and e-mail address at the beginning of your resume. Information such as date of birth, place of birth, marital status must be written. You can write your nationality when applying for jobs abroad.

Education Information

You should write the programs you graduated in reverse chronological order. You can indicate the degrees you have received while studying or important achievements and your GPA. If you are a new graduate, this department should be at the top, but if you have work experience, you can write this section under the work experience section.


Work / Internship Experience

You should write down your work and internship experiences in reverse chronological order. You should briefly list your responsibilities and the work you have done in general, stating your position in the place you work.



You can specify the foreign languages ​​and computer programs you know. If you know a few programs or foreign languages, you can add what level you know. Apart from these, you can write down your skills that can be written specifically for the position you apply for. you can indicate that


Trainings / Certificates

You can indicate the vocational courses and trainings you attended, and your certificates under appropriate headings.



Two references can be written. If you are a new graduate, one of your references can be from your teacher and one from the manager you work for as an intern. The other option is to add the phrase "It will be given upon request." If you do not have a reference, you can not add this section. give advance notice.